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DAS NX and Reliance Wiring Diagram

Hills Reliance 128 / NX16 Wiring Diagram

nx16 R128 Diagram

Hills Reliance 128 / NX16 Terminal Descriptions

Terminal Description
EARTH Earth / Ground.

To comply with ACA S009 & AS/NZS3000:2000. Connect to the 16.5V AC plug pack earth wire.

AC AC input. Connect a 16.5V, 25 VA, 40 VA or 50 VA approved transformer.
BELL + & BELL – Built in siren driver, if used as a siren output (default), the speaker rating should be 15 Watt at 8 or 16 Ohm, or 30/40 Watt at 4, 8, or 16 Ohm, 250mA maximum load.

If voltage output is selected in Feature 22 – Segment 2 – Option 1, this output becomes voltage output, 12 VDC, 1 Amp maximum load.

Note: A 3.3K resistor may be required across the bell terminals when a 12 VDC siren is used. If no resistor is used, you may experience voltage leakage into the siren that will cause these devices to output a small signal.

KP DATA Connect the to the KP data terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually blue or green wire). Maximum total wire run is 800 metres using 14/020 cable. These numbers are for one code pad at the end of the wire. When connecting more than one code pad to the system bus wire, a higher gauge wire will be required, or there will be a reduction in maximum wire distance. Maximum 32 devices.
KP COM Connect to the Common terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the black wire).
KP POS Connect to the Positive terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the red wire). The KP POS and AUX PWR + terminals are limited to 1 Amp total current when added together.
SMOKE+ Smoke detector power 12VDC, 500mA maximum.
COM Connect negative wire of powered devices such as motion detectors and smoke detectors.
AUX PWR+ Connect positive wire of all powered devices except smoke detectors and code pads. This terminal and KP POS are limited to 1 Amp total current when added together.
ZONE 8 Connect to one side of zone 8 loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm. Zone 8 may be used for a two-wire smoke detector using a 680 E.O.L. resistor. See Feature 22.
COM Common (-) terminal for zones 7 & 8. (See the wiring diagram for examples)
ZONE 7 –


Connect to one side of zone loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm. Only zone 8 can be a two-wire smoke zone. (See the wiring diagram for examples)
AUX RELAY OUT 1-2 Relays one and two switch a 12 volts output on their N/C and N/O terminals. This means that you connect the positive lead of your device to these terminals, and connect the negative lead to a COM terminal. Ensure your device does not exceed the ratings of these relays, max 400 mA per output, max 800 mA total output.
AUX OUT 3-4 Auxiliary outputs 3 and 4 (in addition to 1 & 2) are located on a pin header J7, see wiring diagram for details.
Battery Leads Connect black (-) and red (+) leads to a 12VDC sealed lead acid rechargeable battery. Do not connect to a dry cell battery.

Hills Reliance 12 / NX12 Wiring Diagram

NX8 Reliance 8 ( R8) Alarm Wiring

Hills Reliance 12 / NX12 Terminal Descriptions

Terminal Description
EARTH Earth / Ground.

To comply with ACA S009 & AS/NZS3000:2000. Connect to the 16.5V AC plug pack earth wire.

AC AC input. Connect a 16.5V, 25 VA, 40 VA or 50 VA approved transformer.
Built in siren driver, if used as a siren output (default), the speaker rating should be 15 Watt at 8 or 16 Ohm, or 30/40 Watt at 4, 8, or 16 Ohm, 250mA maximum load.
BELL + & BELL – If voltage output is selected in Feature 22 – Segment 2 – Option 1, this output becomes voltage output, 12 VDC, 1 Amp maximum load.
Note: A 3.3K resistor may be required across the bell terminals when a 12 VDC siren is used. If no resistor is used, you may experience voltage leakage into the siren that will cause these devices to output a small signal.
KP DATA Connect the to the KP data terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually blue or green wire). Maximum total wire run is 800 metres using 14/020 cable. These numbers are for one code pad at the end of the wire. When connecting more than one code pad to the system bus wire, a higher gauge wire will be required, or there will be a reduction in maximum wire distance. Maximum 16 devices.
KP COM Connect to the Common terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the black wire).
KP POS Connect to the Positive terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the red wire). The KP POS and AUX PWR + terminals are limited to 1 Amp total current when added together.
COM Connect negative wire of powered devices such as motion detectors and smoke detectors.
AUX PWR+ Connect positive wire of all powered devices except smoke detectors and code pads. This terminal and KP POS are limited to 1 Amp total current when added together.
ZONE 6 Connect to one side of zone 6 loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm.
COM Common (-) terminal for zones 5 & 6. (See the wiring diagram for examples)
ZONE 5 –


Connect to one side of zone loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm. Only zone 7 can be a two-wire smoke zone. (See the wiring diagram for examples)
Aux 4 defaults to 12VDC smoke power for a four-wire smoke detector.

(or Zone 7

/Smoke +)

Alternatively this output can be programmed in Feature 22 as Zone 7 two-wire smoke detector. Use a 680 E.O.L. resistor with the two-wire smoke detector. Current is limited to 250mA when output is negative and 250 microamps maximum when output is positive.
Note: The 2-wire smoke loop cannot be enabled if Zone Doubling is used.
AUX OUT 1-3 Connect negative lead of low current device (e.g. relay, LED [install 1K resistor in series with LED], etc). Connect positive lead of device to AUX PWR +. Current is limited to 250mA when output is negative and 250 microamps maximum when output is positive.
Battery Leads Connect black (-) and red (+) leads to a 12VDC sealed lead acid rechargeable battery. Do not connect to a dry cell battery.

Warning: Total standby current drawn from SMOKE +, KP POS and AUX PWR +, must not exceed 700 mA with 16 VAC 3 Amp Plug Pack or 400 mA with 16 VAC 1.5 Amp Plug Pack.

Hills Reliance 8 / NX8 (R8) Wiring Diagram

NX8 Reliance 8 ( R8) Alarm Wiring


Hills Reliance 8 / NX8 (R8) Terminal Descriptions

Terminal Description
AC AC input. Connect a 16.5V 1.5A approved plug pack.
EARTH Earth / Ground.

To comply with ACA S009 & AS/NZS3000:2000. Connect to the 16.5V AC plug pack earth wire.

AUX OUT 1 Auxiliary Output Terminal, normally used to connect the negative lead of the strobe. The positive lead of the strobe can be connected to any of the positive terminals e.g. KP POS. Current is limited to 250mA when output is negative and 250 microamps maximum when output is positive.
SIREN Built in siren driver, if used as a siren output (default), the speaker rating should be 15 Watt at 8 or 16 Ohm, or 30/40 Watt at 4, 8, or 16 Ohm, 250mA maximum load.

If voltage output is selected in Feature 22 – Segment 2 – Option 1, this output becomes voltage output, 12 VDC, 500mA maximum load.

Note: A 3.3K resistor may be required across the bell terminals when a 12 VDC siren is used. If no resistor is used, you may experience voltage leakage into the siren that will cause these devices to output a small signal.

COM Common (-) Terminal
SMOKE+ Smoke detector power 12VDC, 100mA maximum.

At default output is 0V, to enable 12V set F27 – Seg 3 – Op 6 (invert output) to off. See Feature 27.

AUX OUT 2 Auxiliary Output Terminal, normally used to connect the negative lead of the screamer. The positive lead of the screamer can be connected to any of the positive terminals e.g. KP POS. Current is limited to 250mA when output is negative and 250 microamps maximum when output is positive.
KP DATA Connect the to the KP data terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually blue or green wire). Maximum total wire run is 800 metres using 14/020 cable. These numbers are for one code pad at the end of the wire. When connecting more than one code pad to the system bus wire, a higher gauge wire will be required, or there will be a reduction in maximum wire distance. Maximum 8 devices.
KP COM Connect to the Common terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the black wire).
KP POS Connect to the Positive terminal on the code pads and the expanders (usually the red wire). The KP POS and AUX PWR + terminals are limited to 1 Amp total current when added together.
COM Connect the negative wire of powered devices such as motion detectors and smoke detectors.
ZONE 4 Connect to one side of zone 4 loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm.
COM Common (-) terminal for zones 5 & 6. (See the wiring diagram for examples)
ZONE 3 –


Connect to one side of zone loop. Connect the other side to a COM terminal. Open or short causes alarm.
Battery Leads Connect black (-) and red (+) leads to a 12VDC sealed lead acid rechargeable battery. Do not connect to a dry cell battery.

Warning: Total standby current drawn from SMOKE +, KP POS and AUX PWR +, must not exceed 700 mA with 16 VAC 3 Amp Plug Pack or 400 mA with 16 VAC 1.5 Amp Plug Pack.

Control Panel Comparison

R8 R12 R128
Independent number of zones 8 12 16
Expandable to a maximum number of zones (a combination of hardwired and/or wireless) 8 16 128
Anti-tamper supervision of all zones (hardwired and wireless) Yes Yes Yes
Full supervision of all expansion module and code pads Yes Yes Yes
Individual areas/partitions 1 2 8
Total number of user PIN codes (4 digit) 8 40 99
Maximum number of code pads

* Max 8 VoiceNav code pads if using intercom features

8 16 24
Code pad tampers Yes Yes Yes
Uni Arming (single button arming for full or partial mode) Yes Yes Yes
Home mode/Partial mode arming Yes Yes Yes
Automatic arming (and auto partial mode arming) Yes Yes Yes
Re-exit Yes Yes Yes
Real-time event history (maximum events) 185 185 185
Phone line monitor Yes Yes Yes
Fire alarm verification Yes Yes Yes

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