How to connect to a NX / Reliance Alarm Panel DL900
Connecting to a NX / Reliance alarm panel is fairly straight forward.
What you need:
- DL900 software – Download Link
- NX-588E USB Flash Programming Lead – Buy Now
- Laptop / Computer running Windows.
- The alarm panel programmed to accept remote connections.
If the alarm panel is in its default state, meaning the Access code has not been changed (Default access code: 16000000) you can connect and no programming is required. If you need to change the 8 digit access code follow these instructions:
- *8
- 9713 (Installer Code)
- 0#
- 13#
- 1*2*3*4*1*2*3*4*
- #
- Exit
You have now changed the access code to 12341234. You now need to update your DL software to connect to the panel using this access code.
To change the access code in DL900 do the following:
- Open DL900
- Login using the user name and password. (Default user name and password are: user: caddx password: 1234) you need to enter the details twice.
- Select your customer
- Click Control Panel at the top of the screen
- Click Advanced
- Enter 8 digit access code.
There is no save button, once you have updated the access code either goto Download > Connect > Direct Connect using 586
You should now have a popup window that will display panel status.